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A Carol For The Dead thumbnail
A Carol For The Dead eBook
Patrick Dunne

December 16, dead midwinter. A light dusting of snow is falling over Newgrange, an innocent white to..

Mind, Body, Soul Journal thumbnail
Mind, Body, Soul Journal eBook
Andrea Hayes

This timeless journal is an indispensable companion if you want to live a more focused, positive lif..

Ice Angel thumbnail
Ice Angel eBook
Elizabeth Hanbury

When mysterious young widow Lady Isabella Vane arrives in London, she is quickly christened the 'Ice..

The Dead Queen's Garden thumbnail
The Dead Queen's Garden eBook
Nicola Slade

Young Victorian widow, Charlotte Richmond, has lately found herself tripping over the occasional cor..

Cardigan Bay thumbnail
Cardigan Bay eBook
John Kerr

When Major Charles Davenport is evacuated to England, to recuperate from a battle wound received at ..

Saloon thumbnail
Saloon eBook
OwenG. Irons

The spot where the lady is put off the train is wretched, over-heated and barren. It is high desert ..

The Vigilance Man thumbnail
The Vigilance Man eBook
Fenton Sadler

For twelve year-old Brent Cutler, seeing his father lynched was the most powerful influence on his y..

Pony Express thumbnail
Pony Express eBook
Harriet Cade

When fifteen-year-old Jack Taylor is offered a job with the newly formed Pony Express Company, it lo..

Gambler and the Law thumbnail
Gambler and the Law eBook
Will Durey

Blamed for the murder of a prominent politician, gambler Dan Freemont is forced to flee Nebraska. Pu..

Riding the Vengeance Trail thumbnail
Riding the Vengeance Trail eBook
Jack Martin

There was a time when Thomas Fury was happy. A young wife, a child on the way and a farm to tend had..

The Mexican thumbnail
The Mexican eBook
Lee Clinton

Frank Nester is a small time criminal who manages to pull off an almost faultless railroad robbery, ..

Iron Hand and Bear thumbnail
Iron Hand and Bear eBook

When a geologist who horse wrangler Jake Holley has been gambling with dies of fever after telling h..

Jordan's Crossing thumbnail
Jordan's Crossing eBook

Jack Denton was just another travel-stained wanderer when he fetched up in the little town of Jordan..

Wichita Town Tamer thumbnail
Wichita Town Tamer eBook
Dale Graham

The good citizens of Wichita, Kansas, are desperate to appointed a lawman who can control the wild T..

Crackaway's Quest thumbnail
Crackaway's Quest eBook
Will DuRey

It is almost two years since Custer's defeat at the Little Bighorn and apart from those few who have..