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New Beginnings

Jill Barnett
Recently-widowed March Cantrell must deal with her beloved husband's death while trying to escape the constant interference from her well meaning, grown-up children. With growing rifts in the family, they decide to spend Christmas at their mountain home in Lake Tahoe. Whilst skiing one day, March finds herself stranded with a young man called Rio and discovers that she is attracted to him. A few weeks after the holidays, March returns to the mountains and is joined one lonely night by Rio. What starts as a one-night stand becomes something much more. Her children think March has lost her mind. However, somewhere in this tangled chaos, is the answer for all the Cantrells.

  • Published by EBOOKS
  • Fiction/Non-FictionFiction
  • Genre Romance
  • Target Audience Adult
  • Released 25th June 2009
  • Pages 384
  • ISBN 9780007335039