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All The Beautiful Liars

Sylvia Petter
During a long flight from Europe to Sydney to bury her mother, Australian expat Katrina Klain reviews the fading narrative of her family and her long quest to understand her true origins. Not only were her family caught up with the Nazis, they also turn out to have been involved with the Stasi in post-war East Germany. It's a lot to come to terms with, but there are more revelations in store. After the funeral, she finds letters that reveal a dramatic twist which means her own identity must take a radical shift. Will these discoveries enable her to complete the puzzle of her family's past? Inspired by her own life story, Sylvia Petter's richly imaginative debut novel, set between the new world and the old, is a powerful tale about making peace with the past and finding closure for the future.

  • Published by EBOOKS
  • Fiction/Non-FictionFiction
  • Genre General Fiction
  • Target Audience Adult
  • Released 16th March 2020
  • Pages 288
  • ISBN 9781785632044