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The Weight Of A Piano

Chris Cander
Hidden in dense forests high in the Romanian mountains, where the winters were especially cold and long, were spruce trees that would be made into pianos: exquisite instruments famous for the warmth of their tone and beloved by the likes of Schumann and Liszt. One man alone knew how to choose them... In 1962, in the Soviet Union, eight-year-old Katya is bequeathed what will become the love of her life, a Bluthner piano built by a master piano-maker at the turn of the century in Germany. In 2012, in California, twenty-six-year-old Clara Lundy loses another boyfriend and again has to find a new apartment, a situation which is further complicated by the gift her father had given her for her twelfth birthday: a Bluthner piano. The mysterious - and tragic - connections between Katya and Clara unravel gradually yet thrillingly in Chris Cander's powerful novel about attraction, obsession, creative passion, love and loss.

  • Published by EBOOKS
  • Fiction/Non-FictionFiction
  • Genre General Fiction
  • Target Audience Adult
  • Released 16th January 2020
  • Pages 304
  • ISBN 9781787702271