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A Forever Home For Fluffy

Linda Chapman
Grace and Jack have a plan - to find purrfect homes for purrfect pets! Nine-year-old twins Grace and Jack run the Forever Homes rehoming service. Whether it's a cheeky puppy or a shy kitten, they're determined to pair every animal with their perfect person - and have lots of adventures along the way! Fluffy is a sweet little kitten with beautiful fur. She loves being pampered! But she has a hidden talent. Can the twins find someone who'll spoil her - AND admire her skills? Fans of Zoe's Rescue Zoo and Holly Webb will love Forever Homes! Beautifully illustrated throughout by Sophy Williams, Forever Homes is the ideal series for animal-mad readers aged 5+.

  • Published by EBOOKS
  • Fiction/Non-FictionFiction
  • Genre General Fiction
  • Target Audience Adult
  • Released 1st April 2021
  • Pages 96
  • ISBN 9781788007986