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Dolly Doughnut

Jenny Anne
The Village Bakery Wow! When you walked in, so different, fantastic, the shop amazing and unique. Beautiful hand-carved display cabinets filled with amazing bakes, bread and delicious cakes. Jack Jolly, the finest baker, a happy, gifted man, friendly and helpful with a big warm smile to greet all who came in to his lovely shop. Things were changing! Mr Jolly's helpers had left and, by himself, Jack began to feel very tired. What could he do? There was no-one in the village to help him! Well now something magical happened at the bakery, little Dolly Doughnut. How had she come and why? Who was she? What did she do? What changed?

  • Published by EBOOKS
  • Fiction/Non-FictionFiction
  • Genre General Fiction
  • Target Audience Adult
  • Released 1st March 2021
  • Pages 66
  • ISBN 9781839755002