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Hot & Cold Blood

F. Scott Fitzgerald
Jim Mathers recently got married to Jaqueline, and with a baby on the way, every penny they earn is now more important than ever. However, Jim has a kind heart and has a hard time saying no to a person in need, lending money without hesitation but never getting it back. When Jaqueline suggests he stop giving his money away, Jim is torn between his heart and his head. Will he continue spreading his generosity, or will he think twice before giving away another sum of money? 'Hot & Cold Blood' is perfect for fans of Raymond Carver and Ernest Hemingway.

  • Published by EB-SAGA
  • Fiction/Non-FictionFiction
  • Genre Classic
  • Target Audience Adult
  • Released 2nd February 2023
  • Pages 22
  • ISBN 9788726596168