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Ngaio Marsh

Joanne Drayton
While Ngaio Marsh had a flamboyant public persona, she was fiercely protective of her private life. And no one knows better how to cover tracks with red herrings and remove incriminating evidence than a crime fiction writer... In 1932, a family tragedy brought Marsh home to New Zealand, to a life divided - between hemispheres, between passionate relationships at home and abroad, and between the world of publishing and her life as a stage director. In 1949 her writing would earn her the ultimate distinction when Penguin and Collins released the 'Marsh Million': 100,000 copies each of ten of her titles on to the world market. The popular appetite for classic whodunits was insatiable and Ngaio Marsh was one of the best. But her greatest love was the stage - or was it?

  • Published by EBOOKS
  • Fiction/Non-FictionNon Fiction
  • Genre Biography
  • Target Audience Adult
  • Released 3rd September 2009
  • Pages 480
  • ISBN 9780007342891