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The A-Z Of Curious Kent

Susan McGowan
Kent is well-known for hops, oysters, the Channel Tunnel and Chatham Dockyard, but sandwiched between these are towns and villages that each have a story to tell. 'The A-Z of Curious Kent' takes you off the beaten track, to a world of daddlums and hufflers, gavelkind and grotters. While kingsand queens travelled the highways on their way to and from the continent, the people of Kent quietly defined the new order, defended the nation and left teasing reminders of a past that may never be fully understood.

  • Published by EBOOKS
  • Fiction/Non-FictionNon Fiction
  • Genre History
  • Target Audience Adult
  • Released 21st February 2020
  • Pages 170
  • ISBN 9780750994484