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Black Lies, Red Blood

Kjell Eriksson
Nominated for the Best Swedish Crime Novel five times, Nordic Noir star Kjell Eriksson returns with a new book in his international bestselling series Uppsala, Sweden. Inspector Ann Lindell has little time to enjoy her new relationship with journalist Anders Brant before he leaves on an assignment, and she is called upon to investigate the disappearance of a young woman, Klara Lovisa Bolinder. When Lindell's colleagues discover the body of a murdered homeless man the evidence suggests that Brant could be involved. Lindell is forced to battle her fears about her relationship if she is to discover that happened to Klara and as the Uppsala Police Department unearth more information about the homeless man, they fear they may be looking for a serial killer . . .  

  • Published by EBOOKS
  • Fiction/Non-FictionFiction
  • Genre Mystery
  • Target Audience Adult
  • Released 22nd May 2014
  • Pages 352
  • ISBN 9780749015084