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Dance of Death

Autumn, 1916. The first Zeppelin to be shot down by a British plane bursts into flames over London and plummets to the ground. Whilst those brave enough to remain outside during the air raid gaze in awe at the spectacular display, a killer takes advantage of their distraction during the blackout. The following morning a renowned ballroom dancer is found brutally butchered in an alleyway. As Detective Inspector Harvey Marmion and Sergeant Joe Keedy build a picture of the victim's promiscuous lifestyle and the ruthless competition of the dancing world, the number of potential suspects multiplies. Wounded young men start returning from the front line and among them is Marmion's own injured son, Paul. The detective inspector is forced to juggle his enigmatic murder investigation with tensions simmering at home; will he and Sergeant Keedy catch the killer before the gruesome nature of the dancer's death gets out and panic spreads?

  • Published by EBOOKS
  • Fiction/Non-FictionFiction
  • Genre Mystery
  • Target Audience Adult
  • Released 22nd October 2015
  • Pages 320
  • ISBN 9780749018443