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The Missing American

Kwei Quartey
Gordon Tilson is a lonely American widower, who has found solace in an online support group. He befriends a young Ghanaian widow, and when her sister is in a car accident, he sends her thousands of dollars to cover the hospital bill - to the horror of his son, Derek. And when Gordon runs off to Ghana to surprise his new love but disappears without a trace, Derek hurries overseas himself, fearful for his father's safety. Frustrated by the lack of interest from local police, Derek turns to Emma Djan, the newest member of a private detective agency. The case of the missing American man will drag both Emma and Derek into a world of sakawa scams and corruption.

  • Published by EBOOKS
  • Fiction/Non-FictionFiction
  • Genre Mystery
  • Target Audience Adult
  • Released 14th January 2020
  • Pages 397
  • ISBN 9780749025120