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Why Don't You Come For Me?

Diane Janes
Sometimes Jo still wakes suddenly, thinking she can hear Lauren's cry. Although twelve years have passed since her baby daughter was abducted, photos of the child continue to arrive by post with the words, I Still Have Her, scrawled across the back. The police think it's the work of a hoaxer but Jo has always believed them to be genuine -- and until there is some hard evidence to the contrary, she will always hold on to the belief that Lauren is still alive. But if the pictures really do come from the kidnapper it means that they have been keeping track of Jo's movements all these years -- and recently Jo has begun to feel as if she is being watched -- and that whoever has her daughter is getting closer. Is Jo's husband right to dismiss her fears as paranoia, or might Jo herself be in danger? As her life begins to unravel Jo fears that the truth may lie in older events; in a half-forgotten childhood world, scarred by rumours of insanity and murder.

  • Published by EBOOKS
  • Fiction/Non-FictionFiction
  • Genre Mystery
  • Target Audience Adult
  • Released 26th May 2011
  • Pages 300
  • ISBN 9781849017763