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Stressilient: How to Beat Stress and Build Resilience

Sam Akbar
Manage your mind. Handle your emotions. Concentrate on what matters in life. So many of us feel stressed in our daily lives but lack the ability to respond to lifes hurdles effectively and overcome these challenges. We can build resilience to stress by taking action to live our lives in a more meaningful way. The answer is to become stressilient. Dr Sam Akbar will show you how. As a clinical psychologist with over ten years of experience, Dr Sam draws from her own professional expertise to provide sensitive and realistic guidance to feel calmer, less stressed, and more resilient to lifes challenges. From understanding how your brain works, managing your emotions and challenging your thought-processes, to opening up your perspective and having more self-compassion, Stressilient offers an indispensable, easy and effective go-to guide to help you get from surviving to thriving.

  • Published by EBOOKS
  • Fiction/Non-FictionNon Fiction
  • Genre General NonFiction
  • Target Audience Adult
  • Released 12th May 2022
  • Pages 208
  • ISBN 9780008448066