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Mike Saunders
The heart of Mike Saunders' exciting book is how to build a successful business in the Fourth Industrial Revolution while focusing on human stakeholders. Knowledge of disruptive forces - notably mobile, social, the Internet of Things, data and blockchain - equips us to build our businesses in the change that is enveloping us, but we need a framework to help us understand how to operate in a new revolution, how to organise the chaos into success. It is this framework to which Mike has been applying his mind for the last ten years and in this book, he presents such a model to help us to navigate the digital world and build value in a humancentric way.

  • Published by EBOOKS
  • Fiction/Non-FictionNon Fiction
  • Genre General NonFiction
  • Target Audience Adult
  • Released 17th February 2020
  • Pages 232
  • ISBN 9780639992969