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Self-Esteem In Children

Tony Humphreys
Parents act as a mirror for their children. Parental responses to children determine the image they form of themselves. With the right growing environment, children flourish. When parents take time to listen as well as talk to them, children feel loved, encouraged and capable. Their self-esteem grows, they trust themselves, and they develop positive attitudes towards life. Dr Tony Humphreys helps parents create a family environment that promotes self-esteem. He makes it clear that without attention to children's inner conflicts and self-esteem, it is unlikely we can foster successfully within them a desire to learn. He sets out a clear plan to promote their love of learning, emphasising that the emotional welfare of children is the cornerstone of their educational and future development.

  • Published by EBOOKS
  • Fiction/Non-FictionNon Fiction
  • Genre General NonFiction
  • Target Audience Adult
  • Released 19th October 2004
  • Pages 253
  • ISBN 9780717155538