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Baking Sourdough

Kevan Roberts
Baking is a truly multi-sensory experience; baking with sourdough takes this experience to the next level. Artisan baker, Kevan Roberts, takes readers on a sensory journey through the formation of sourdough from natural yeast to the craft of producing your own perfect loaf, before extending this knowledge to make croissants, pancakes, pizza and more. Thirty detailed recipes are given from a basic starter to international breads and creative bakes. Baking Sourdough enables all bread-lovers - from professionals looking for a means of bulk producing the same sour hit every time to at-home bakers taking their initial steps into baking with natural yeast - to create their own freshly baked sourdough, again and again.

  • Published by EBOOKS
  • Fiction/Non-FictionNon Fiction
  • Genre General NonFiction
  • Target Audience Adult
  • Released 27th January 2020
  • Pages 144
  • ISBN 9781785006845