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The Eigen Theory Of The Physical World

Deepal S Benaragama
This book introduces the Eigen Theory of the physical world in which the fundamental form of a particle of matter is a continuous distribution of points that forms a manifold of its own. Each of these points is the intersection of a corresponding pair of eigenvelocity vectors, which is a function of a pair of symmetric and antisymmetric tensors characteristic of generalised forms of gravitation and electromagnetism respectively. The theory develops in three stages. In the first stage, an arbitrary infinitesimal perturbation of the point of intersection of a pair of eigenvelocity vectors produces the wave aspect of the particle of matter and the second stage produces the particle. In the third stage, pairing of translation and rotation of the particle-centre leads to an eigenfield of a second pair of symmetric and antisymmetric tensors characteristic of a base manifold of spacetime. The first two stages expose the reality behind matter-antimatter, the quantum mechanical wave-particle duality and the results of the double-slit experiment. The third stage reveals the nature of dark energy and the structure of dark matter. The Eigen Theory integrates General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics and it removes the uncertainty principle in Quantum Mechanics.

  • Published by EBOOKS
  • Fiction/Non-FictionNon Fiction
  • Genre General NonFiction
  • Target Audience Adult
  • Released 1st March 2021
  • Pages 112
  • ISBN 9781839754517